What To Look For In A Bed To Help Combat Back Pain

The second most common reason for taking a day off from work on sick leave last year was back pain, and it’s fairly easy to understand why. Whether your job involves sitting at a desk, patrolling the streets or shifting...

The second most common reason for taking a day off from work on sick leave last year was back pain, and it’s fairly easy to understand why. Whether your job involves sitting at a desk, patrolling the streets or shifting bags of concrete, it’s impossible to escape spinal pain. Of course, the most important thing to do if you suffer from chronic back pain is to speak to your GP or chiropractor in order to discover the root cause of the problem and to work towards finding a way to relieve it. One way of doing this, as the bed specialists at Dreamers Bed Centre know very well, is to look into getting a new bed or mattress. As many people know, the state of your bed and your mattress have a direct impact on any back issues you may have, as well as on your ability to get a good, comfortable night’s sleep in general.

One of the first questions considered by those searching for a brand new bed is “do I want it firm or springy?”, and, while it often relates directly to the mattress, the bed itself can have some bearing upon this particular factor. The elasticity of the springs will vary between designs and may be selected to complement the type of mattress you choose. A harder bed or mattress often provides very good support, but, depending on the type of back pain that you suffer from, may result in achy muscles the next morning. A softer bed or mattress may seem more comfortable at face value, but may not offer the support you need in the long run, and might end up exacerbating the issue. Because of this, it’s vital to know what causes your back pain, and what support you need, before starting your search.

 It’s also very important to understand the quality and lifespan of the design you go for. A cheaper bed or mattress may not retain the same firmness as a higher quality brand might, particularly because repeated use will cause the springs to weaken in some areas and result in very uncomfortable lumps that put pressure on certain areas of the back.

Finally, the way you sleep can really make a difference to the pressure on your back. The lumbar area of the back – below the rib cage and above the pelvis – is often the worst affected by chronic pain. Along with finding yourself the perfect mattress and bed, another trick you can do is to place a pillow beneath your knees when you sleep, relieving the pressure on this area of your back. If the pain is higher up, it’s recommended that you try to sleep face up, with just one pillow under your head. If your head is raised too much, your neck will have insufficient support, and if you sleep on your side or – worst of all – on your stomach, the weight of your skull will increase any stress on the cervical vertebrae – those in your neck.

If you’d like to find out more about the beds on offer at Dreamers Bed Centre and how they might help to relieve your back pain, call today on 01942 275464 and our specialists will be more than happy to help you.


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